Platform Presentation

Calling for the following subjects
The following specific subjects related to Asian water environment, especially in Southeast Asia, are selected as the topics.

Other topics related to water environment are also welcome as poster presentation. Participation from NGO/NPO is also welcome.

Submission and Deadline

Papers for platform presentations should be prepared by using the Template for full manuscript with "Manuscript submission form" via e-mail to:

Fax or post mail submission is not be accepted(E-mail address shown in this page is converted as a picture file to avoid receiving spam mails. You must type the address to e-mail us).

Closing date for manuscript submission: July 31, 2008

All applicants will receive an acknowledgment via e-mail upon submission of the manuscript. The corresponding author will be informed of the result of the review by early September.

Guideline for manuscript preparation
1) Manusrcipt Template
Please prepare manuscripts using MS Word only. Manuscripts for platform presentations should be prepared according to the specified template.

2) Paper Submission and Manusrcipt Submission Form
Papers should be submitted in electronic files (by e-mail) in MS Word as well as in PDF format. In addition, please attach the "Manuscript submission form" when submitting your manuscript.

3) Guideline for the application to Platform Presentation(Printable Version)

  1. Author's responsibilities

  2. Manusrcipt preparation

  3. Content

  4. Nomenclature and units

  5. Figures and tables

  6. References: citation in text

7. List of references

1. Author's responsibilities
a) Corrections cannot be undertaken. Therefore, if the manuscript is not prepared in accordance with the instructions it may be omitted from the proceedings. Please use the Provided Format template.

b) Manuscripts must be in good, grammatically correct English.

c) All papers presented will be published in the symposium proceedings. When necessary the author(s) must obtain permission to use or publish any other material protected by copyright.

d) Selected papers might be published in a book. Authors of those papers selected for publication in the book are expected to transfer the copyright.

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2. Manuscript preparation
a) Papers should be submitted in electronic files (by e-mail) in MS Word (.doc or doxc) format as well as in PDF format (.pdf). (To generate PDF version of your original MS Word file, you can simply use a free PDF on-line converter: ). PC format is recommended. Please do not add macros or hidden text to the file. Do not divide the manuscript in different files; it has to be in a single MS word/PDF file accordingly.

b) The main body text should be typed justified with no indents, single line space. Insert one return between paragraphs, and a double return between paper title, each authors' names and affiliation. For corresponding author (marked with an asterisk), complete postal and electronic address (e-mail) must be included. Please use a Times New Roman 12 pt justified typeface. Do not insert page number.

c) Title should be in bold face, centralized. Affiliation can be in 10 pt, plain face, centralized.

d) Top margin should be 3 cm (1.18 in). Bottom, left and right margins, 2.5 cm (0.98 in).

e) The maximum acceptable
length of the complete article is 8 pages (standard A4 sheet). Insert figures and tables in the correct position in the article. The article should not exceed 2 megabytes in file size.

f) When naming files, please incorporate the name of the first author into the filename.

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3. Content
Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:

a) Title, author name(s), affiliation of each author. For corresponding author (marked with an asterisk) only, complete postal and electronic address (e-mail) must be included.

b) Abstract (maximum 200 words): specifying the aims of the work, the main results obtained, and the conclusions drawn.

c) Keywords: 3-6 keywords (in alphabetical order)

d) Main text: Introduction, Methods, Area descriptions (if applicable), Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements.

e) References

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4. Nomenclature and units
a) Please use widely understood terminology and notations. Spell out abbreviations and acronyms in full at their first occurrence in the text.

b) International System of Units (SI) is strongly recommended. If non-SI units must be used, SI equivalents (or conversion factors) should be given. Write equations in dimensionless form or in metric units.

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5. Figures and tables
a) Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively according their sequence in the text, be described in the body of the text, and be positioned close to where they are first cited.

b) Please provide caption for figures and tables.

c) Tables should be as concise as possible and should not duplicate data that is available elsewhere in the paper.

d) Photographs should have good contrast and intensity. Black and white photographs are required. Avoid using shading in figures.

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6. References: citation in text
a) Use surname of author and year of publication, without initials: Kremer (1998) or(Kremer, 1998).

b) Use ascending order of year, for instance: (Hanaki, 1996; Yagi and Nishimura, 1997; Seo and Ohgaki, 2001). For two or more references published in the same year by the same author, differentiate by letters as following: Asano (1976, 1991a, 1991b, 1998)

c) Use the terms "(in press)", "(submitted)" or "(in preparation)" if a reference has been accepted for publication but not published yet, has been submitted but not definitely accepted, or is still being prepared, respectively.

d) Use the abbreviation "et al." when reference has more than two co-authors.

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7. List of references

a) Please ensure that all publications cited in the text are included in the reference list, and that the dates and authors given in the text agree with those in the reference list. References must always be given in sufficient detail for the reader to locate the work cited.

b) References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. Although "et al." is preferable in the text, in the list of references all authors should be given.

c) In the case of publications in a language other than English, the original title is retained. However, the titles of publications in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated, and a notation such as "(in Japanese)" or "(in Chinese, with English abstract)" should be added.

d) For journal reference style, please identify volume and issue as following:

Otaki M., Yano K. and Ohgaki S. (1998). Virus removal in a membrane separation process. Wat. Sci. Tech., 37(10), 107-116.

e) For multi-author books:

De Bonis P., Fattoruso G., Pagano A., Pasanisi F. (2002). Transport of pollutants in coastal areas: a comparison among different mathematical models. In: Appropriate Environmental and Solid Waste Management and Technologies for Developing Countries, G. Kocasoy, T. Atabarut and I. Nuhoglu (Eds), vol. 5, Bogaziçi University Press, Istanbul, pp. 2741-2748.

f) For thesis:

Hassan H. (1997). Water Quantity and Quality Assessment for Suwa Lake and Tenryu River Basin Regarding the Impact of Future Climate Change. PhD thesis, Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo.

g) For standard reference:

The Chicago Manual of Style (1993). 14th ed., University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

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(Updated on Apr.28)